Monday 8 April 2019

Must read If you are interested in Solo Travelling

Travelling alone is one of the most amazing experiences you should have at least once in your life and that will change you the most as a person.
It's not easy to explain, but it's something that makes you grow in a brutal way and that revolutionizes your personal development.
It is very clear that it is much more fun to go on a trip with the couple, family, friends or even a group of people known or unknown. But we are not going to deny that travelling is also a very attractive idea and, above all, a very enriching experience, given that it forces us to relate to people and take the chestnuts out of the fire without any other support than ourselves. However, everything that glitters is not gold either, and the enrichment of all this experience is also a bit of complexity, especially when we travel alone for the first time. Travel agency in Udaipur can guide you very well to choose the place and to make the itinerary.

Tips for those who travel alone for the first time:


One of the biggest fears of many travellers is travelling alone, especially when it is the first time. That is why this time I will give you a series of tips for those who want to travel alone for the first time.

Get well informed

It might seem obvious, but the first thing you should do is investigate everything about the place you are going to visit, through a good tour operator, in forums and web pages you will find a lot of information. Something you should not overlook is to find out which are the most dangerous places to avoid visiting them.
The more structured your trip is, the less likely it is that something will go wrong.

It is normal to be nervous

Before embarking on a solo trip, as is normal to be nervous before doing anything extraordinary in life. Do not worry! If you need help, there will always be someone willing to give you a hand, no matter where you are.

Talk to people

Wherever you go, do not hesitate, most of the people are good.   You will be surprised at how people open-up. Sign up for activities during the day, share your experiences during the trip, ask for suggestions from a nearby restaurant. Do it especially with other lonely travellers, since most will feel like you.
And of course, it is very advisable to learn the basic vocabulary of the destination to which one travels.  It's worth having the Google Translator always ready or some other application to use it at any time.

Where will you stay?

Choose the accommodation according to your profile, budget and desire to meet people. For example, if you want to meet more people like you or maybe a future travel companion, you should stay in a hostel, (even in a private room) that will put you in touch with other people in your same tuning.

Take just and necessary

There will be no one to help you carry your bags, so I recommend that you only carry what you need, do not carry things that you know you will not use, or travel with items that you know will be easier to get in the place of travel.
Make sure you wear the right clothes for the weather and good sports shoes, my favourites when travelling, they are comfortable to walk long hours.

Believe in yourself

You must be open to things cannot go as planned, trust your own possibilities and face every challenge that comes your way, because if you overcome it will be very satisfying on a personal level. Spend some time thinking about your plans for the next two days.

Make a copy of your documents

Bored, but necessary. Take a photo or scan all the documents, send them by mail to a person you trust and yourself. If something goes wrong, you can always resort to this plan B.

Keep present where you leave, what you have

Remember that wherever you stay you are not responsible for the lost items, so always you must be aware of where you leave the things you carry, only you are responsible for your belongings and no one will answer for something you lost or forget

Be positive

This is the most important thing, be positive. Keep in mind that your trip is not about taking pictures of yourself posing in front of famous monuments but enjoying the experience.

Be cautious

Have information of Embassy, ​​Consulate of the country of origin. It is not necessary to have at hand the telephone numbers of the medical insurance/credit card for any eventuality.


Enjoy the destination as if you did not know anything about it.

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